1. Name
The User Group will be called the “IFS UK&I User Group” (previously known as the “IFS User Group” and “UK Users of IFS”).
2. Aims and Objectives
To serve the users of the IFS Applications Software solution, in the following ways:
Arrange meetings & events on subjects of common interest to users of IFS.
Operate a secure website that acts as a central point for all User Group information and communication.
Collect, collate and communicate common business enhancement requests to IFS Research & Development.
3. Membership
3.1. Qualification
Membership is open to any customer of IFS currently paying maintenance within the UK and Europe West region. For member companies, unlimited nominated employees may be registered to attend User Group events and use the website.
A full list of member companies and contact details will be held by the User Group. The information held about each member company will be issued to the primary contact each year to confirm it is current and accurate.
The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership to any applicant and to suspend or rescind membership of any member, subject to that member’s right of appeal. Membership is not available to recruitment agencies, vendors or independent consulting companies. Individual contractors may attend User Group events only if sponsored by an existing member company with which they are directly involved.
Attendance at all User Group events, activities and access to the website will be restricted to registered members only. However, non-members, members of other IFS User Groups and associated third-party companies may also attend at the discretion of the Committee.
3.2. Annual Subscription
The annual subscription charge for the following year is agreed by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
4. Activities
The User Group will organise a number of events throughout the year:
4.1. Workshops
These events are designed to allow larger groups of experienced and new users to hear about other customer’s real-life experiences of using IFS and provide an opportunity to network with peers who are involved in similar business processes. Workshop events include an overview of the relevant modules and customer case study presentations to provide practical examples of what can be done, but more importantly, provide the information to allow users to consider how IFS could be used to support their business more effectively.
4.2. Focus Groups
These events are designed to allow a smaller group of experienced users to drill into the detail of a specific area of the system with the IFS Product Owner to determine whether it meets our current and future needs. The User Group committee facilitates the collation, prioritisation and submission of common business enhancement requests to IFS R&D with the aim to secure some of these requirements on the IFS product development roadmap. The status and feedback from IFS Product Owner/R&D will be updated via the website.
4.3. Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting (AGM)
This annual event is designed to bring the whole IFS User Group community together to learn about the future direction of the product from IFS Senior Managers and R&D staff. It also provides an opportunity to attend specific product updates, customer case studies, associated vendor presentations, one-to-one surgery sessions with IFS consultants and network with peers who have common interests/problems. The AGM at which the unaudited Report and Accounts for the past year ended 30 September will be presented and the subscription charge for the following year determined.
The User Group will host a secure website to post notifications about events, activities and meetings, provide a facility to download previous event presentations, promote the exchange of information and allow users to request assistance from other members.
The User Group will disseminate information about events, activities and requests for assistance to members via email, except where members have specifically requested not to receive email notifications.
A Special General Meeting can be called at any time by a member of the Committee, or within 28 days of the receipt of a request in writing signed by at least five separate member companies. All members will be given at least 21 days notice of an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting via email (to the member’s designated email address for correspondence) and a notification on the User Group website specifying the date, time, venue and purpose of the meeting.
5. Committee & Responsibilities
The Committee will be elected from the eligible members annually at the Annual General Meeting. Each nomination must have the consent of the nominee, and have a proposer and seconder who are full members of the User Group. Officials take office with immediate effect and will serve for one year, but may be re-elected indefinitely.
Any vacancy in the Committee during the year shall be filled by appointment by the Committee and in these circumstances, the appointment will serve until the next Annual General Meeting.
Chairman – Responsible for co-ordinating the development of the User Group.
Committee Member – Responsible for organising the dates, venues & subjects for group events and publishing schedules and agendas. Liaising with the members to collect, collate and communicate common business enhancement requests to IFS on behalf of the members.
Deputy Chairman – As Committee Member with additional delegated powers in the absence of the chairman.
Treasurer – Responsible for collecting and managing subscriptions, managing the bank account, maintaining the financial records and producing the unaudited accounts for the Annual General Meeting.
Secretary – As Committee Member with additional responsibility for recording the minutes of the Committee meetings and maintaining the list of company and members’ contact details.
Web Administrator – Responsible for the development and management of the User Group website and electronic registration system.
IFS Liaison – One or more IFS representatives will be invited to join the committee meetings to co-ordinate IFS’ support and involvement with the User Group’s activities.
6. Committee Meetings
Committee meetings will be held throughout the year as considered necessary to manage the User Group’s activities. The quorum for a Committee meeting will be three members, plus the Chairman (or delegated chair) who also has the casting vote.
7. Finance
The User Group is a non-profit making organisation. All surpluses will be used to maintain and improve the User Group’s activities.
The User Group’s financial year will end on 30 September.
All User Group funds will be held in a bank or building society account in the name of the “IFS User Group” for which the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer will act as the trustees and be authorised signatories to cheques and other financial transactions. All payments will be authorised by a minimum of two authorised signatories.
The User Group will pay all reasonable expenses incurred by the committee members, subject to obtaining prior written approval.
8. Changes to the constitution
Requests to change this Constitution must be submitted at least 28 days prior to an Annual General Meeting (or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose).
All members will be given at least 21 days notice of the proposed changes via email (to the member’s designated email address for correspondence) and a notification on the User Group website specifying the date, time, venue and purpose of the meeting.
Changes will only be incorporated, if approved by a two-thirds majority of members at the Annual General Meeting or the Special General Meeting called for that purpose.
9. Dissolution
The User Group may be dissolved by a resolution approved by a two-thirds majority of members at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Any remaining assets, subject to the settlement of all debts and liabilities, will be shared equally to the current paid members of the User Group.
10. Personal Liability
The User Group, the Committee, individual officers and members do not accept any liability for debts and financial commitments, loss or damage to any property or for any injury however caused of persons while attending a User Group event.