EPIPHANY - A real buzz - IFS UK&I User Group

The User Group Annual Conference 2024 – Epiphany – was a great success with an even bigger turnout than last year!  Thanks to all those who were involved in making it happen.

“It was a real pleasure to attend the User Group Conference for the first time and mix with like-minded people, all on the same journey as ourselves.  There was a real buzz throughout the event.  It was inspirational to see what others are achieving and gain insight into future developments”.   Andrew Cox,  IT Service & Operations Manager, Autosmart International Ltd

Over 50 individual presentations to learn from and so many opportunities to network with other customers, Partners and the IFS Team in a safe, enthusiastic and friendly atmosphere.

There were some excellent Customer presentations this year, including from SYSTRA, Dermal Laboratories, Banham Security, McLaren Construction Group, Cubic Transportation Services, AE Rodda & Son, The Clancy Group, Volac International, Reaction Engines, Globeleq Africa, Flamingo Group International, Tayto Snacks, Kimal, Marshall of Cambridge Aerospace Ltd, Portsmouth Aviation, Harland & Wolff, CCL Design, O’Brien Fine Foods, Marshall Fleet Solutions, and Ultra Maritime.  Many thanks to all the presenters who took time to prepare and present on our behalf, and on behalf of some of our Partners, some interesting, informative and helpful presentations, we really appreciate you all.

Many of our Partners (and sponsors) brought customers with them to present alongside them, which was very interesting, giving us genuine opinions of what it is like to work alongside a Partner.  Thank you to all our Partners for your fantastic support of the User Group Annual Conference this year.

Partners - A big thank you to all our sponsors 2024

Several excellent presentations from Steph Poore (Managing Director, UK&I) and the senior IFS Team.  Including the opportunity for User Group Members to ask questions of an IFS panel, which sparked some lively debate.  Thank you as always to IFS for their on-going support of our events, we are always grateful for the time and energy they invest in us.

We repeated the success of last year’s Industry Sessions with the senior IFS Team – thank you to those who facilitated those sessions.

The very popular Peer to Peer (P2P Blitz) where our Members got to meet their peers with similar interests and discuss issues and successes and build mutually supportive relationships with other IFS Customers across the UK and Ireland.  As well as the opportunity to influence the IFS roadmap.

Our celebration evening this year was a great success with The User Group Committee hosting a Rodeo themed evening – yeeee haaaar!  We repeated the popular Quiz from last year, everyone was totally engaged and the atmosphere was fantastic.  This was followed by rodeo games, including axe throwing!  The evening was enhanced by those who came in fancy dress and prizes were awarded to the best dressed and to the best team, who this year were Volac International with their spectacular cowboy hats.

Go and look at the photos in our archived events pages.  You will also find a copy of the agenda and slides from our presenters.

Thank you to everyone who supported the event!

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