IFS UK&I User Group Re-branding

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We were proud to introduce our new branding and website at the Annual Conference in September 2018.

As a result of feedback received from the Survey in 2018, it was decided that re-branding was necessary to help clarify that the User Group is independent of IFS. With the launch of the new website expected in January 2019, it was decided that this was an ideal time to re-brand.

Feedback was extremely positive at the Annual Conference and the new stand and matching lanyards were very well received, giving the User Group a professional and up-to-date image. The design represents networking and working together, which are both important aspects of what the User Group does.

Our Mission Statement: To provide an independent, co-ordinated and consistent voice to speak to IFS about the products, portfolio and services that they and their partners provide: to enable access to a broad network of other IFS users; to share knowledge, ideas and experiences of using IFS.

It is hoped that the Membership will be equally pleased with the website when it is launched in January 2019. The new website features a Networking section where Members will be able to communicate with each other about similar Industries, IFS Versions and Functional Areas, we anticipate that it will be very popular.

Passwords for the Members Only aspects of the website will be issued once Members have paid their 2019 Membership Fees.

If you have not received a Membership fee invoice for 2019 and would like to register to become a Member, please go to our “How to Join” Page.

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